Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Women's Economic Dominance: Is It Really Inevitable? - The Atlantic

The Atlantic

Women's Economic Dominance: Is It Really Inevitable?

The Atlantic

Both Liza Mundy (The Richer Sex) and Hanna Rosin (The End of Men) argue that the transition to a postindustrial, service- and knowledge-based economyâ€"in conjunction with declining gender discriminationâ€"are leading inevitably to women's economic ...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tim Cook emails staff regarding management changes: Bob Mansfield stays for ... - Today's iPhone

Tim Cook emails staff regarding management changes: Bob Mansfield stays for ...

Today's iPhone

As you will have read by now, Scott Forst »

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Amerijet acquires interest in Nations Express - Business First of Columbus:
Amerijet recently announced its acquisition of SRX a Florida-based company specializing in ground handliny operations throughout Central Asia, and ownet of , an Uzbekistan certificated airline. Florida-based Amerijetg serves destinations throughoutthe Mexico, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Middle East. Its primary hub is at , with 210,000-square-fooft export and 100,000-square-foot importsz air cargo handling facilities anda 50,000-square-foot ocean cargo facility.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Forum discusses fees for fido to run free - Salt Lake Tribune

Forum discusses fees for fido to run free

Salt Lake Tribune

That isn't lost on dog owners in Salt Lake City who often find any of the seven off-leash parks in the city to be overcrowded. Mayor Ralph Becker is formulating a plan to expand dog parks and that could mean a fee and tag program for dog owners ...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jury: AT&T overcharged on service fee - Dallas Business Journal:
But the Kansas City, Kan., panel ruledr that the Dallas-based company did not conspire with or NetworServices Inc. in overcharging on the fee, whicu is used to make phone service availabl e in ruraland low-income areas, among othe r places, court documents say. Barry Barnett, a partner in the Dallad office of Susman Godfrey LLP and a lead attorney for the says the antitrust claim wasfor $400 million. The plaintiffsz haven’t decided whether to he says. In a press release, the plaintiffs say that prejudgmenftinterest “will add millions to the total amount AT&Ty owes its current and former customers.
” the company, in a statement e-mailed to this says it is “gratifiee that the jury correctlyu found no evidence of antitrust activities. We’re studying our options on the breach-of-contracg ruling involving Californiaresidential customers, and continue to believed we acted properly.” The case was a consolidationb of a number of class-action suits, whichn alleged that AT&T, Sprint and MCI conspired to overchargse for collections of the fee. The defendants all denied The federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 requiresa that phone service providers pay a variable percentage oftheir long-distance revenue into the USF fund.
The class-actionm litigation covers the timeframe Aug, 1, 2001 to Marcn 31, 2003, and claims that the defendantse conspired to fix the percentagees at which they set USF charges on customers’ bills. They also collecte and retained USF surchargesin “unreasonable amounts, discriminated in the collection of the USF and misrepresented the nature of the USF surcharges they imposd on their customers,” court documentse allege. Sprint settled its portion of the litigatiom forabout $30 million in according to court records.
Mike Northrup, a shareholded at in Dallas, says it is relatively rare for lawsuits to be certified as class actions and then proceedto “Courts tend to be very defendant-friendlg from the standpoint of class certification,” he “The defendant will typically get (the settled by the time it gets certified.”

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Column: Multi-faceted campaign a highlight of Resident Evil 6 (Oct. 20, 2012) - Cape Breton Post (blog)

Column: Multi-faceted campaign a highlight of Resident Evil 6 (Oct. 20, 2012)

Cape Breton Post (blog)

After playing Resident Evil 6 this week, I felt like changing the name to Resident Evil: Greatest Hits, or maybe even Resident Evil: All-Stars. That's because you're presented with a total of four separate campaigns, each with different characters and ...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Charlie Baker quitting Harvard Pilgrim - Baltimore Business Journal:
"Leaving the company is not an easy decisionfor me, but ther e is no middle ground. I am either the CEO of HarvarxdPilgrim – or I’m building a campaigb organization. I cannot do both," Baker said in a statement releaseedWednesday morning. In a fairwell e-mail, Baker thanked Harvarcd Pilgrim's staffers and touted the organization's successes over the "But I also recognize the terribled financial and operational strain that will face state and local governmentr in theyears ahead. I know both sector pretty well — better than most, I would say and I believe I canbriny ideas, energy and leadership to the task that face state government in the yearw ahead.
” Baker, a Republican, is a former state secretaruy of administration and CFO Bruce Bullen will be interim CEO at Harvard Pilgrim.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Land encroachment issue become hot subject in Chino Hills council forum - Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Land encroachment issue become hot subject in Chino Hills council forum

Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

The issue of encroachment has received attention after residents Kim and Mike Denton were notified by the city's code enforcement that 1,574 square feet of their home is encroaching on city land. City officials said portions of the Dentons' fencing ...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bankruptcy judge rules for Park lender - Charlotte Business Journal:
The lender that foreclosed on the property, — a subsidiargy of Bankers’ Bank in Wisconsin — bought the building for $14.3 million in a public auctioh in December. Federal Judge J. Craig Whitleyu ruled Wednesday that BB Syndication held the primary lien on the ahead of dozens of unpais contractors and contract holders who lost their That leaves no funds to be paid to the other claimantsw from theproperty sale. The building at the corner of South Caldwell and Third streets was the primary assef belonging to longtime local engineePete Verna’s bankrupt 222 South Caldwelll Street Limited Partnership.
For more than a work has been abandoned atthe 106-unit which is still missinvg its exterior shell. Verna’s company was forced into Chapter 7 bankruptcy in August by contractors that had workesd onthe tower. Last Verna lost control of the residential condo projec t after defaulting on theconstruction loan. BB Syndication will auctionj off The Park at10 a.m. July 22 at the Charlott e office of at301 S. College St. The bank stilpl has a $16 millio claim against Verna, according to documents from his Chaptetr 7 personalbankruptcy filing. Verna has more than 620 unsecurerd creditors, assets of $1.06 million and liabilitiesa totalingnearly $16.9 million, the filing states.
A meeting of creditors is schedulef for11 a.m. July 1 at the U.S. Bankruptcy administrator’as office at 402 W. Trade St.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Zidane focussing on becoming a coach -

Zidane focussing on becoming a coach

Zidane focussing on becoming a coach. AFP | 22 hours ago. 0. Tweet · zidane670afp. PARIS: Former France captain Zinedine Zidane will take his first steps towards becoming a fully-fledged football coach when he sits the preliminary coaching exams this ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sequella starts new drug trials - Baltimore Business Journal:
After finding that its tuberculosis drug was safe in a singlwe dose twoyears ago, the Rockville biotech has now begun dosing the firsty of three groups of volunteers in a first-phaswe trial to test the drug’s safety when taken on a dailt basis. The drug, which has earned fast-track and orphan drug statuse from the Food andDrug Administration, is aimed at fightinf drug-sensitive and drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis. The at the is conductintg the study through a contract with DynporfVaccine Co. LLC. The trial will take placew at the Quintiles Transnational Phase 1 facility inOverland Park, the same location as the first trials in 2007.
In Sequella is in its final stage of testing a skin patcnh todiagnose tuberculosis, a product it hopees to start selling to developing countries by earlyg next year, and recently receive more than $2.3 million in NIH grants to develop two more TB still in preclinical stages.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wal-Mart to hire 22,000 - Houston Business Journal:
Wal-Mart’s announcement came on a day the governmentt released mildly encouraging weeklhunemployment figures. But it also hit as the retail industr y reported some overalldismal results, with same store salese figures falling an average of 4.8 percentr for May. The discount retaik giant says it willhire 22,000 people to staff new or expandedr stores this year. “During this difficult economic time, we’re proud to be able to creatde quality jobs for thousands of Americans this Eduardo Castro-Wright, vice chairman of , said in a statement. But even Wal-Marr (NYSE: WMT) isn’t hiring at the same pace it has in the The Bentonville, Ark.
-based retailer addes 33,000 jobs in the U.S. last Still, Wal-Mart’s low prices on everythinv from food to electronics have allowef it to gain market share and have kept it positioned asthe nation’zs number one retailer. Unlike its Wal-Mart did not release monthly sales figures, instead focusing its attentiohn on itshiring announcement. Wal-Mart’s announcement, on the eve of its annuall shareholder’s meeting, came as the U.S. Labor Department releasex jobless figures showing the recession may be losingy at least some ofits momentum. Initia l claims for state unemploymentfell 4,000 to 621,00p0 in the week that endedc May 30.
That’s the third straight week fewer workersa filednew claims. And the tally of claimw drawn by workers for more than one week in the week ende May 23fell 15,000 to 6,735,000 -- the firstr decline in that figure sinc Jan. 3. But that news isn’t exactl y good. It’s just less bad than other developments, and experts expectr plenty more painto come. Chief financial officers polled recently by and CFO magazin e expect the recession to last through the endof 2009. CFOs in the U.S.
and Europre expect unemployment to keep rising in the next12 months, perhapd to as high as 12 percent Meanwhile, the nonfarm payrolls reporyt from the government Friday is expected to show 550,000 jobs lost in May, and unemploymentg climbing above 9 percent. While Wal-Mart announced its hiringt plans, other retailers reported dismal results forMay same-store sales. Saleas fell 4.8 percent at the 30 retailer s trackedby . Sales fell 6.1 percent at Macy’s sales fell more than 9 and sales dipped 7 Such pessimism adds weightto Wal-Mart’s decision to keep on hiring, despitew the fact that other U.S. retailers like and Macy’s have slashed payrollx in recent months.
Wal-Mart this year will fill positions from cashierws and sales associatesto pharmacists, huma resource managers and customer service The company will add 1,000 or more workerd in Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, Southh Carolina, Utah and Virginia. But the generallyu grim climate raisesthe question: Is anybody out theree other than Wal-Mart on the hunt for new employees? The answetr in one major Southeastf market is encouraging. The Charlotte Business Journal reports that therew are jobs to be had evenin ’s hard-hiyt hometown, where local unemployment is over 11 percent. You just have to know wheres to look.
“The defining feature for who is hiring is not the size of the butquite frankly, what is that firm N.C. State economist Mike Walden told thebusiness journal. among the firms the Charlottw Business Journal cited as in thehiring game: discounr retailers, just like

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Isolagen bankruptcy moves forward - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Isolagen Inc. (AMEX:ILE), an Exton, Pa., biotechnology compan developing a cellular therapyt to treat wrinkles and otherskin conditions, filed for reorganizationh under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code last The company andits subsidiary, Isolage Technologies, intend to continue to manage and operate thei business as debtors in possession. Undeer the court approved financing, Isolagen is borrowing $2.75 million from a group of undisclosed lenders. The proceed s will be used to provide the companhy with working capital for general corporate purposes and for expenses associated with thebankruptct proceeding.
In connection with the initialbankruptcy filing, Isolagen has entered into a restructuring agreement with a largde majority of the holders of the company’a 3.5 percent convertible subordinated notes, issued in Novembef 2004; the holders of aboutf $500,000 of secured notes issued in April and the agent for the debtor-in-possession lenders. A hearing on final approval of the financing proposal will be held onJuly 6.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Big story for the dailies is coping with parent companies
The parent companies of both the South Florida and could be under mounting pressure to sell newspaper businessess in the face of falling ad revenue andsuffocatingh debt, according to industry sources and published Despite their parent companies’ problems, both newspaperw are regarded as solidly and the Herald’s headquarters offers the bonus of a primer waterfront location in downtowmn Miami. The challenge for a potential sale would be whether a buyer is willing to step forwarr in the middle of a recession to bid on businesse s withdeclining revenue. Financing is another hurdle. In a Dec. 9 the Herald reported parent Sacramento, Calif.
-based had been in talksd to sell thedaily – whichn has an average daily circulationh of 288,179 – to condlo king Jorge Perez and sugarr executive Alfonso Fanjul. Herald spokeswoman Elissaw Vanaver said the paper had no more information beyondrits story. “It is accurate, and that is all therd is to say,” she said The day Chicago-based , owner of the Sun-Sentinel, and Chicag o Tribune, among other papers, file d for Chapter 11 bankruptcy under the stress ofa $13 billioj debt delivered at the hand of real estats mogul Sam Zell. The Tribuned chairman and CEO used an employeee stock ownership plan to crafthis $8.
2 billion leveragedr buyout to take the company privatde last December. As for McClatchy, it took on $3.16 billion in debt to buy the Heraldc and the rest of the newspaper chainin 2006. It sold off several newspapers to help pay downthat debt. “Most on an operating basis, are profitable,” newspaperr analyst John Morton said. “They are too overlu leveraged.” Morton said such high leverage makesd it difficult to ride out thiseconomivc downturn. But, selling won’t be a walk in the either.
“This is a terrible time to sella newspaper,” Morton “First of all, there are no and second, newspaper values have dropped in half in the past five Morton said the Tribune Co. bankruptcy is the first he can recalpl for a major company since he enteree the industryin 1970. said it will continuw to operate its mediabusinesses – newspapers, television stations and interactive media – and has sufficient cash to do so througy the bankruptcy process.
But, that may changde once the case hits bankruptcy court and the company faces the challenge of draftingt an acceptable restructuring according toPorter Bibb, managing partnee of , a New York City-based merchangt bank that specializes in media companty investments. “A good part of the less-than-core businesse s will be sold off. It is as much strateghy as it is financial,” Bibb said. He said Tribune’ws Florida papers could be vulnerablebecause “they don’yt contribute very much to the needws of Tribune Co.” Tribun has already sold New York’sa Newsday.
Bibb estimated operating profitas for most newspapers still hover at abouyt18 percent, which is down from the 20 percent to 30 percent of three years ago. The Sun-Sentinel recently signed a 10-yearr deal to print The Palm Beach Post, a publicationm that is cutting 300 jobs by closingh itsprinting plant. The Sun-Sentinel’s printing plant in Deerfield Beachu is aprofit center. It also prints , The , Barron’as and New Times, the Post said in announcing itsmove

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Home mortgage rates spike - Phoenix Business Journal:
Freddie Mac's weekly report says 30 year fixed-ratd mortgages averaged 5.29 percent this the highest rate this year and up sharplyh fromlast week's average of 4.91 percent. Rates stil remain well below yearago levels, when 30 year mortgages were averaging more than 6 percent. "Ratezs caught up to the recenyt risein long-term bond yields this week to reach a 25 week says Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) chief economist Frank Nothaft. "The slowdown in the housing markegt has now detracted from economic growth for the past13 quarters, the longes t quarterly stretch since at least 1947." Despitwe rising rates, the housinfg market continues to show small signs of life.
The ' housingb affordability index rose in April to its secon highest level since atleast 1971. The NAR also reported this week pendinf sales of existing homes rose for the thirrstraight month, posting the biggest monthly increase since 2001.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

CalHFA offers new low housing loans - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
To use CalHFA’s programs, homebuyers must meet certainh income and sales price guidelineas for low and moderateincome families. For a family of 4 or more in SantwClara County, the income limit is $126,6000 and the home beinh purchased must be $637,645 or less. Cal30 offerzs fixed mortgage payments for the life of the loan with no changex in themonthly payment. “We are eaged to use Cal30 and our other assistance programs to help meet the housing needxs ofCalifornia families,” said Steve Spears, actin g executive director of CalHFA.
“While the financial market turmoill continues and California faces uniquchallenges economically, there is perhaps no more importany time for our agencyh to work on behalf of families statewide.” In additiojn to the fixed rate mortgage, CalHFA offerss special programs to assist individuals looking to purchasre their first home. They include: * The Californiq Homebuyer’s Downpayment Assistance Program, which can provide loans of up to threes percent ofa home’x value to assist with down payments and closing * The School Facility Fee Down Payment Assistanced Program, which provides conditional grantds to buyers of newly constructed homes for down payments, closing upgrades, or other costs associated with the first mortgag loan.
* The Affordable Housing Partnershipp Program, which is a joint effort between CalHFz and over300 cities, redevelopment agencies, housing authorities and nonprofit housing organizations to assist with down paymente and closing costs.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Energy capital may also become carbon trading central - Houston Business Journal:
“It is a very major says Praveen Kumar, chair of the department of financw and executive director of the Globakl Energy Management Institute at the Universithof Houston. “You are commoditizinvg what is involved in the production of large sectors of mostmoderj economies.” Carbon trading is the exchange of either auctioned or distributed freely by a governiny body, that allow companies to emit a set quantity of carbonj — measured in tons — into the atmosphere. Commonlyy referred to as a cap-and-trades system, under this scheme, companies are given a maximun amount, or cap, of carbon they can emit througgh their allotmentof credits.
Those who exceed the cap are Companies can, however, purchased unused credits from othetr companies on an exchange if theyrequire more.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wal-Mart to hire 22,000 - Kansas City Business Journal:
Wal-Mart’s announcement came on a day the government releasedd mildly encouraging weeklyunemploymenty figures. But it also hit as the retail industry reported some overalldisma results, with same store sales figures falling an averag of 4.8 percent for May. The discount retaio giant says it willhire 22,00p people to staff new or expandecd stores this year. “During this difficult economic time, we’re proud to be able to create quality jobs for thousands of Americanxsthis year,” Eduardo Castro-Wright, vice chairmajn of , said in a But even Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) isn’t hiring at the same pace it has in the The Bentonville, Ark.
-based retailer added 33,000 jobs in the U.S. last Still, Wal-Mart’s low prices on everythiny from food to electronics have allowed it to gain market share and have kept it positionexd asthe nation’s number one retailer. Unliker its peers, Wal-Mart did not release monthlyu sales figures, instead focusing its attentio n on itshiring announcement. Wal-Mart’s announcement, on the eve of its annua shareholder’s meeting, came as the U.S. Labor Departmentg released jobless figures showing the recession may be losinf at least some ofits momentum. Initial claims for state unemploymenrtfell 4,000 to 621,000 in the week that ended May 30.
That’e the third straight week fewer workers filed new claims. And the tally of claims drawmn by workers for more than one week in the week ended May 23fell 15,0090 to 6,735,000 -- the firstf decline in that figure since Jan. 3. But that news isn’ t exactly good. It’s just less bad than othe developments, and experts expect plenty more painto come. Chieff financial officers polled recently by and CFO magazin expect the recession to last througjh the endof 2009. CFOs in the U.S. and Europd expect unemployment to keep rising in the next 12 perhaps to as high as 12percen domestically.
Meanwhile, the nonfarm payrollas report from the government Friday is expected toshow 550,0009 jobs lost in May, and unemployment climbin above 9 percent. While Wal-Mart announced its hiring plans, other retailers reported dismalk results forMay same-store Sales fell 4.8 perceny at the 30 retailers tracked by . Sales fell 6.1 percent at Macy’s sales fell more than 9 and sales dipped7 percent. Such pessimism adds weighf to Wal-Mart’s decision to keep on hiring, despite the fact that othet U.S. retailers like and Macy’s have slashed payrolls in recent months.
Wal-Mart this year will fill positions from cashiers and salese associatesto pharmacists, humann resource managers and customer service associates. The companyu will add 1,000 or more workers in California, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, South Utah and Virginia. But the generally grim climates raisesthe question: Is anybody out therw other than Wal-Mart on the hunt for new employees ? The answer in one major Southeast market is encouraging. The Charlotte Businesd Journal reports that there are jobs to be had evenin ’a hard-hit hometown, where local unemploymeny is over 11 percent. You just have to know wherwe to look.
“The defining featurer for who is hiring is not the size of the butquite frankly, what is that firm doing?” N.C. Statr economist Mike Walden told thebusineszs journal. Notably, among the firms the Charlotts Business Journal cited as in the hiring discount retailers, just like Wal-Mart.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fiction tells truths that go beyond mere information - Chicago Tribune

Fiction tells truths that go beyond mere information

Chicago Tribune

Under new curriculum standards, grade-school students, who for decades have been nurtured primarily on fiction, are being put on a reading regimen that's half nonfiction. By junior high, even more nonfiction. By high school, 70 percent nonfiction. In ...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

LendingTree expands product offering - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
According to the company, its customer-retentionm technology identifies customers byloan amount, loan-to-value ratio, loan purposee and FICO scores. “With refinancint activity from borrowers representing a significant portiohn of overall origination our lender network has expressed a desire to capture and retainh currentmortgage customers,” says Bob Harris, president of the LendingTrewe Exchange.
“As part of the LendingTree network, banks and lenderd that use ournew customer-retention initiative will be able to significantlyt impact the ratio of overall mortgagew portfolio retained, just as effectively as they can attract new LendingTree is owned by Charlotte-based (NASDAQ:TREE), an onlin e lending and real estate’s principle businesses are LendingTree, which matche s potential mortgage borrowers to lenders, and, whicyh works with individuals seeking homes and real estate agents. LendingTree says it has facilitated more than 25 millioh requests for loans onlinesand $185 billion in closed loan transactions.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jerry Sullivan: Many RBs escape obscurity against Bills - Buffalo News

Jerry Sullivan: Many RBs escape obscurity against Bills

Buffalo News

An obscure third-year back when the Saints came here in the third week of the '09 season, Thomas ran for 126 yards, including TDs of 34 and 29 yards, in a 27-7 win. Both TDs came in the fourth quarter. Thomas scored a TD in the Saints' Super Bowl win ...

and more »

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fifth Third completes $1B stock offering - Business First of Columbus:
The offering was raised from $750 Fifth Third will issue almost 158 milliob shares at an average pricewof $6.33. The bank will use the net proceedds for general corporate purposesd and to retire some ofthe $3.5 billion in preferrecd stock it sold to the U.S. Treasury throug h the Troubled AssetRelief Program. The bank also will use some of the proceedsz to retire convertible preferreddepositary shares. Fifthg Third says the offering, combined with other capital-raisinv measures, could generate up to $2 billion in Tier 1 That would satisfythe $1.1 billion shortfall the Treasury determined following its recentg stress test of the nation’s 19 largesrt banks.
The test was designed to assesxthe banks’ ability to survive if economic conditions worsejn more than expected during the next two years. In the bank expects to raise $1.2 billion in Tier 1 equit y from the sale of a majority stake in Fiftjh Third Processing Solutions toAdvent International. That’s expected to close in the second quarter. Fifthy Third (NASDAQ: FITB), based in has $119 billion in It has more than 1,300 bank branches in the Midwest and The bank completedits $1.1 billion purchase of First Charter last adding $4.8 billion in assets and 57 branches.