Thursday, July 28, 2011

Podiatrist gets 5 months, $25,000 fine - Business First of Buffalo:
Dr. Bic Chau Stafford, who practiced at the in Maryland Heights, as well as assortedf assisted living facilitiesin St. Louis City and St. Louis County, in April to one felonyg count of obstruction of afederal audit. Stafford, 59, also executefd a civil settlement agreement with the Unites States requiring her to pay the Medicarwprogram $425,000. Stafford billed Medicare for numerousx complex foot surgery procedures providedf to 39 local Medicare beneficiaries when she was reallyg providing these patients with only routinerfoot care, such as toe nail prosecutors said.
When she was auditedr by the Medicare program in Medicare denied her claims for reimbursement regarding these 39 beneficiariea and requested that sherepay $6,840p for non-covered services that had been previously paid to her. Stafford challenged this and as part of her efforte to avoid payingthe overpayment, Stafford createdr new treatment records for those 39 patients in back-dating them to 2004, using fraudulent treatment information and claiming that she had provided these patients with podiatric surgical procedure, prosecutors said.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

DeSoto Softball well represented - DeSoto Times Today

DeSoto Softball well represented

DeSoto Times Today

In Softball, DeSoto County has been well represented. The Southaven Allstars won the U6 bracket, beating the Hernando Thunder in the championship. In the U8 division, the Southaven Slammers fell in the second round but moved to the fifth round of the ...

and more »

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Park-and-ride likely to be saved - Business First of Buffalo:
That’s a far cry from late last year, when it appeared the NFTA mightg have to abandonthe 312-space UB lot it has leasef since 1986. UB, which is facing a parking crunch on itsSoutbh Campus, was considering a number of plansz -- some of which might have put an end to the NFTA lot. But an agreemenyt was reached between the NFTAand UB. The lot’s which was due to expire on Jan. 31, was extended for six That extension has been pushe aheadto December, and both sideds think a long term pact can be “I’m hopeful we will have a contract by the end of the said Eunice Lewin, NFTA treasurere and chair of its Surface Transportation The park-and-ride lot is one of the most popular alongb the six-mile long Metro Rail route.
It is frequentlyt filled during the early morning rush hour periofd and remains so throughoutthe day. The NFTA continuese to encourage commuters to use its LaSalleStatiobn lot, which has more than 700 spaces, and is rarelgy filled to capacity. Besides the park-and-ride NFTA commissioners also learned the first phase ofa multi-year, $40 million rehabilitation of its 27 Metroi Rail cars is underway. The first two Metrol Rail cars are at LLCin Hornell, beginning theit respective soup-to-nuts renovation work, with a third vehicle being transported to All three should be returned to Buffalo and put back in servicre by early 2010.
“It’s not going to effecg our service,” Lewin said. All 27 will be rehabbes by Gray Manufacturing during the nextfew years.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lewis: Feds pressured BofA on Merrill - Washington Business Journal:
But some lawmakers questioned how much of the pressure was actuallt made by Lewis in an attempg to secure more taxpayer aid forhis bank. “Thee Treasury Department provided $20 billion for a shotgun wedding. But the questioj is, who was holding the Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-New York) said durinyg the hearing. The hearing, conductedd by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, was focused on federal officials’ role in BofA’sa purchase of Merrill Lynch. Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) boughft Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.1 The deal resulted in BofA’e receiving an additional $20 billion in federal funds under the Troubled AssetRelief Program.
BofA has received a totaol of $45 billion in TARP funds. Lewias has been under intense pressure from BofA shareholders for not disclosing the depthof Merrill’s financia l difficulties before the merger. Merrill lost $15.3 billionh in the fourth Lawmakers questioned Lewis on reports that he felt pressurexd byfederal authorities, includinh Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and former Treasur Secretary Henry Paulson, to go aheax with the deal in December as Merrill’s losses Lewis testified that BofA contacted officials at the U.S. Treasurgy and Federal Reserve in mid-December to informm them that thebank “hacd serious concerns about closing the transaction.
” BofA, he was considering declaring a “material adverse change,” whicg can allow an acquirer to back out of a proposed Lewis testified that Paulson told him BofA’s managementr “would or could” be removed if the bank backed out of the When lawmakers pressed him Thursday on the alleged threats by regulators, Lewis said both partiee were concerned about making the best decisions for the healtg of the U.S. economy and BofA.
He explainefd that a decision that would harm the economy wouldr also harm BofA because of its massive size and Lewis testified thathe wasn’t intimidatedc by the threat of losing his job but by the “seriousnesse of the threat” and the ramifications on the overallo economy had an influence on his “Just six months later, it is easy to forger just how close to the brinj our system came,” Lewis “I will never forget.” Still, some lawmakers suggestede Lewis should have knowb about Merrill’s losses before December.
They pointesd out an e-mail in whicnh Bernanke suggested Lewis’ threat to back out of the Merrill deal wasa “bargaining chip.” Lawmakers also pointed to other e-mails from regulatorx suggesting Lewis’ claims about surprising losses were “not credible.” Rep. Denniss Kucinich (D-Ohio), among others, suggestesd the e-mails indicated Lewis threatened to call off the Merrilll deal as a way to land moregovernmenyt aid. “It’s quite possible it was Bank of Americw that put a gun to the head of the Kucinich said. BofA eventually closed the deal withMerrill Lynch, and received a $20 billion loan from the TARP fund to covert the Merrill losses.
Also on Thursday, Lewisx indicated that federal officials never asked him to withhold informationn from shareholders that BofA thoughr needed to be That caused lawmakers to remind him he wasundere oath. In February, Lewis testified before New York Attorneuy General Andrew Cuomo that Bernanke and Paulson pressurecd the bank not to discuszs its increasingly troubled plan to buy The congressional committee expects to call Paulsonj and Bernanke for similar hearings as it continuesits

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In search of transparency - Philadelphia Business Journal:
"In some contracts, we pay for each day and other have caserates [by procedure]," said Dr. Richards L. Snyder, senior vice president of healthu services forCenter City-based . Snydef said IBC does provide members with estimates on whattheid co-payments will be for procedures along with quality "report information on its Web site. The compangy is also working with medical specialty groups to expane quality data for more typesof procedures. In Snyder said, IBC is participatinyg in the Pennsylvania Health CareQualityy Alliance, a coalition of state hospitals and Blue Cross plans workinf together to develop a uniformm statewide approach to hospital quality and cost measurements.
"Three or four yearse ago, it was like the Wild West with no he said, referring to the release of health-care qualituy reports. "Today there is more standardization around how you measurew and attribute care to hospitals and About twoyears ago, Aetna -- the region'e second largest managed-care company after IBC -- launched its own transparencty program aimed at providing "physician-specific cost, clinical qualitu and efficiency" data to The service is being rolled out in phases by the Connecticut-based health insurer.
Aetna spokesman Walt Cherniak said the company provide s price information to membersfor 270,0009 physicians in 25 states and the Districf of Columbia, but the program has not reached the Philadelphia market yet and is not slatedx to do so this year.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blue Entertainment Sports Television to revive
The original “The Superstars” show aired on ABC in the mid-1970s as part of “Wider World of Sports.” The show was revived in 1987, 1998 and 2002, according to a news “One of the reasons why I love this show so much is becausse it was the originalreality show,” Michael Principe, managing director of Louisville-based said in an interview. He serves as co-executivwe producer of “The Superstars,” along with Juma presidentt Robert Horowitz. “The show has the perfect home with the ABC includingand Disney. It gives us huge distribution The program, which will premiere June 23, at 8 p.m.
, featurez eight celebrities paired with eightr professional male and female athletes, competing in athletic challenges, including swimming, biking, running and kayaking. • Soccer playe r Brandi Chastain and singer JulioIglesias Jr. ESPN ancho r John Saunders, former player Warren Sapp and “Inside the commentator Jenn Brown will servsas hosts. The competition is beingh held at the Atlantis Resorft inthe Bahamas. Blue Entertainment Sports Television, a division of , is a televisiojn and live sporting eventsproductiomn company.
The company also specializew in sports marketing and ageny representation for professional athletesand

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Most Followed Person On Google+ is...Mark Zuckerberg? - Techzone360

Most Followed Person On Google+ is...Mark Zuckerberg?


Yes, THAT Mark Zuckerberg: the youthful founding father of Facebook, Google's new arch-nemesis on the social networking front, is the most-followed person on Google+. At the launch of Google+, Zuckerberg and Google's two founders, Sergey Brin and Larry ...

Mark Zuckerberg & Top Google Execs Drop, By Choice, From Most Followed On Google+

Search Engine Land

Google+'s most popular person is ... Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg

The Guardian

Mark Zuckerberg Makes His Google+ Followers Visible Again

PC Magazine

GMANews.TV -International Business Times -W »

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lubavitch Education Center faces foreclosure - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
’s 84,020-square-foot, seven-story building on seven along with two other is named inthe $8 million foreclosure lawsuit filed on June 23 by the Ala-based bank in Miami-Dade County Circuit Court. The nonprofit cented is affiliated with theChabad Lubavitch, an orthodox Jewish movemenrt that has temples and education centers throughouf the world. The foreclosure names the nonprofit Friendds of Lubavitch of Florida andthe for-profit 17330 NW 7 LLC. Rabbik Bentzion Korf, who is listed on the LubavitcuEducation Center’s Web site as the director, managesx both entities, which took an $8 milliomn loan from the bank in 2004. Korf didn’t immediately returnn a call seeking comment.
The center was founded in 1973 as the firstrabbinical college, or yeshiva, in the southeasternh U.S. Orthodox Jews from throughout South Florida send thei children there forreligious education. In additiob to the main campus, which is located near Golden Glades, the foreclosure targets the 30,750-square-foot educationn center at 1114 Alton Road in Miami Beachj anda 3,363-square-foot apartment building at 1231 13th St. in Miamui Beach. Miami-based attorney Elizabeth Dombovary, who represents Regiond Bank inthe lawsuit, didn’ty immediately return a call seeking comment.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Santa Clara city manager not swayed by Montana's offer - San Jose Mercury News

Santa Clara city manager not swayed by Montana's offer

San Jose Mercury News

Instead, she argues that everyone should have a chance to bid on the land -- even if it means Golden Joe walks away from his offer. In December, Montana and his business partners, including former 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo Jr. proposed building a ...

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Commonwealth Directed to Return to Adequate Levels of Capital - MarketWatch (press release)

Commonwealth Directed to Return to Adequate Levels of Capital

MarketWatch (press release)

... of Governors") and the Bank executed a Prompt Corrective Action Directive (the "Directive"), effective July 1, 2011, requiring the Bank return to adequate levels of capital in 30 days, or such additional time as the Board of Governors may permit. ...

and more »

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Centene closes on financing for HQ project - Nashville Business Journal:
A U.S. Bank-led consortium committe on June 5 to a construction loan forthe 17-story officw tower, which will house the corporate headquarters for Centene, one of St. Louis’ largesty public companies, and , one of the area’s largesrt law firms. Construction began in October to demolisu the former building on the site and stargt work on the firsttwo floors. The projecrt will have 460,000 square feet of office spaceand 28,124 square feet of retail space. The , led by chief executive Bill Koman, signed on as an equity partner in the project earlierthis year.
of Chicago, which had led development effortsefor Centene’s new headquarters, droppesd out as an equity partner but will still serve as a consultant. The equityy partners in the projectare Centene, and . Centenr Center will be Clayton’s first new office building in nearl a decade when it is completedx inJuly 2010. Centene Center, to be builyt at the heart of Clayton’s central businessx district at Hanleyand Forsyth, is one of a few new, large-scalew developments to proceed in receng months. Retaining Centene, St. Louis’ 11th-largest public company, is also a boosf for the region as a in light of job losses at and othertop companies. Centenwe Corp.
’s 2008 revenue was $3.4 billion and the companyu has more than 500local employees. Centene is led by President and CEOMichael Neidorff. Centenw Center’s other main tenant, Armstronhg Teasdale, the city’s third-largest law firm, is moving its 200 loca l attorneys there from the Metropolitanb Squarebuilding downtown. Centene Corp., one of the nation’ds largest providers of managed care programsa and related services to individualsunder Medicaid, firs t sought in 2004 to buildc a replacement building a bloc away from its existing headquarters at 7711 Carondelet Ave.
That it bought a former bookstore, Library at Forsyth and Hanley from Summif Development Group forabout $10 million. Centenwe then faced a two-year court battle with three commerciaplproperty owners, the late Dan David Danforth and Debbie Pyzyk, who resisted the city of Clayton’ efforts to take their buildings on Forsythh through eminent domain to make way for the new , a development firm with projects around the world, conductedr a nationwide search for possibl sites for Centene’s headquarters, with proposals from Illinoies and Colorado in the running for a potential relocation of the company.
Centene abruptly change d course in September 2007 and announced its plansx to be an anchor tenant in the proposed Ballpark Village development downtown. By March Centene reversed course again and dropped its plansd tomove downtown. Aftef the Missouri Supreme Court ruled in the Claytojnproperty owners’ favor on the eminent domain Centene ultimately bought the thred Forsyth properties in early 2008 for $19 In February, the Clayton Board of Aldermen approvefd a scaled-down version of the project from the originao cost of $215 million.
The planned offics tower was reduced in size by several floor s as Centene opted to initially leasejust 200,0009 square feet of space instead of 300,000 square feet, and the retailo portion was minimized to 28,125 squarer feet from 34,000 square feet. Armstrong Teasdale has signed a leassefor 125,000 square feet of making it one of the largest local officer lease deals announced in 2009.