Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Missouri unemployment worsens, but slows - Charlotte Business Journal:

The state’s seasonally adjusted unemploymen rate increased to 9 percen tin May, up from 8.1 percenr in April, the departmengt reported Monday. April’s 0.6-point decrease in unemploymentg nowappears anomalous, with the May increase part of an upwarxd trend dating to mid-2008, state officials Approximately 272,000 Missourians were estimated to have been joblessd during the month of May. Nonfarm payroll employmenft decreasedby 3,700 jobs in May, markinb the smallest monthly decrease since employment began to drop sharpluy in November.
Job losses were concentrated in manufacturing andconstruction (1,600), whicj were partly offset by gains in healthu care and social assistance and local government (900). During the past employment droppedby 74,300 or 2.7 percent. The main exceptions to the downward tren in the past year have been private educationaoservices (2,500), health care and sociap assistance (6,000), federal government (2,700) and locap government (3,300). The national unemployment rate in Maywas 9.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Norman Frumkin, economist - Washington Post


Norman Frumkin, economist

Washington Post

Mr. Frumkin began his federal career in 1961 as an economist with the Department of Commerce. He was later an economist with the National Planning Association and principal officer of Norman Frumkin Associates. He joined the Office of Management and ...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Solar Leases Will Drive Solar Home Growth to $5.7B - Forbes



Solar Leases Will Drive Solar Home Growth to $5.7B


California is the largest solar energy market and, unsurprisingly, it also is the first market for solar leases. That's mainly because the state has budgeted roughly $2.2 billion for rebates to support the installations of 1,940 megawatts of solar ...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Survey: Americans lack financial cushion - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

If the answer is no, you are not alone. A new survety by finds that nearly one in four homeowneres do not have a financiapl cushion to fallback on. And that worrieas many people. Those who say anxiett over job stability was a top concern rose to 29 percent in the first quarter from 21 percengt since thefourth quarter. And while 60 percenrt of respondents want to increase theirr savings whilereducing debt, less than a quartedr have actually done so. Those who are trying to save are takinfgdrastic measures, the survey found. Since last one-third of homeowners said they have had family or friendw move inwith them, and 42 percent are spending less on theit children.
About two in five say they are budgetingf more or buying more of only what they while 30 percent say they are learninf how to better manage theif budgets ontheir own. Meanwhile, homeowners are waiting for the economh to improve to make amajof purchase: 30 percent say the firsty purchase they will make will be for home improvement; 18 percentt say they will buy an automobiler and 13 percent say they will take a vacation. Wella Fargo said the latest survey, conducted by Ipsoes Marketing, polled 1,565 homeowners Marcb 23-31.