Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Consumer confidence up dramatically - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
in April. The index is based on a representativ sampleof 5,000 U.S. households. “Looking consumers are considerably less pessimistic than they were earliefrthis year, and expectationd are that business conditions, the laboe market and incomes will improve in the coming said Lynn Franco, director of the . “While confidenc is still weak byhistoricaol standards, as far as consumers are concerned, the worst is now behind us." appraisal of the job market was also more Those claiming jobs are "harxd to get" decreased to 44.7 percenrt from 46.6 percent in April. Those sayintg jobs are "plentiful" edged up to 5.7 percent from 4.9 percent.
The employment outlook was alsoless pessimistic, with the percentage of consumers expectinf more jobs in the months aheacd increasing to 20 percent from 14.2 percent, whilew those anticipating fewer jobs decreased to 25.2 perceng from 32.5 percent.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Oceanaire files for Chapter 11 - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
In a press release, the Minneapolis-based upscalre seafood restaurant chain said it has reachex an agreement with secured lenders for a restructurinvplan “that will substantially improve the cash-flow generation of the In its bankruptcy filing, the company listed assets and debts of between $10 millionb and $50 million. Many of its restaurants have seen a drop in accordingto filings. Oceanaire, which filed for Chapter 11 in Dallas, is askingv a U.S. Bankruptcy Court to close “a number of its Four have already closed. Oceanaire Vice Presiden t of Culinary Development Wade Wiestling confirmed the company hascloserd “under-performing” locations in Charlotte, N.C.
, Philadelphia and Seattle. The Atlanta restaurant and 11 otherr locations willremain open. Oceanaire said it has reachec a deal with its lenders to for the useof “casjh collateral” during the bankruptcy process, “which shouldx provide the necessary liquidity to fund operationsz throughout the restructuring.” The compangy said it plans to pay its vendors for all post-petitioh purchases, and it anticipates no changes to employeex work schedules, pay or benefits, except at the closed Oceanaire said it expects to emergw from Chapter 11 by the end of the “Today, Oceanaire is takinv the necessary steps to positionb the company for the future,” CEO Terry Ryan said in a "During our restructuring, we expect to conduct business as usuakl in the vast majority of markets, and intens to work with our currenf vendors and to continue operations withourt interruption to our customers.
" Oceanairew was founded by Edina, Minn.-baserd in 1999. Parasole spun off the concept twoyeares later.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thalhuber named CEO of AbleNet Inc. - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Thalhuber previously worked as vice president of sales and marketinggwith AbleNet, which provides assistive technology products to the global marketplacw as well as curricular skills development and technology for special-education She replaces Cheryl Volkman, who will remain activ e with the company on the boare of directors. Prior to joining AbleNet in Thalhuber was CEOof , a Burnsville-basec company that creates computer-enhancing products. Beforse that, she was founder and owner of Jenex a business development and planning Thalhuber also wasa product-managemenrt executive with technology company Kroll Ontrack.
As CEO of Thalhuber will focus on company growthb and new product She has already hired a directod ofinternational business, Thalhube r said. "We will be focusing heavily on top-lines revenue growth, forming new partnerships and she said.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Color Will Need to Win Us Over: Creativity - PC Magazine

What Color Will Need to Win Us Over: Creativity

PC Magazine

While I'm highly skeptical so far, the creative optimist in me can imagine a world in which Color takes off based on one big thing: imaginative user-generated content. Color very obviously is trying to take the popularity of Facebook's photo-sharing ...

Color, A Twitter For Photo And Video, Launches With $41 Million

Forbes (blog)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Report: Auburn, Alabama make top 10 in football revenue, total sports income - Pittsburgh Business Times:

Frigidaire FAK085R7V
Auburn University generated $59.67 million in revenue in 2007-2008 and the University of Alabama broughtin $57.37 million in the report by SportsBusiness Journal, a sister paperr of the Birmingham Business Journal, usiny Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act forms. The Universityh of Texas ranked No. 1 with $72.95r million followed by the University of Georgi awith $67.05 million, University of Florida with $66.1 million, Ohio State Universityu with $65.16 million and Notre Dame Universitu with $59.77 million. The remaining 10 teams in footbalkl revenues were the University ofMichigan (No. 7 with $ 57.46 Penn State University (No. 9 with 53.76 and Louisiana State Universitgy (10th with $52.
68 million). As for overall sporte revenues, Auburn ranked seventh with $89.32 million and Alabama came in eighthwith $88.877 million. Texas was the overall top sportx earnerwith $120.28 million generatedf from all athletic teams. Ohio Statd was second with $117.95 million and Florida was thirdwith $106.0 3 million. Other Southern schools ranking in the top 20 in overalk sports revenues were the Universitu of Tennessee at ninthwith $88.72 million and LSU at 12th with $84.18 million.

Monday, March 21, 2011

TWCable App Sees Overwhelming Demand - IEWY News

Fujitronic FA-9000

World Internet TV on PC (blog)

TWCable App Sees Overwhelming Demand


“While we anticipated that the app would be popular, the demand was overwhelming. We are sorry for any frustration and inconvenience our customers experienced.” TWC has temporarily reduced the number of channels available via the iPad app to 15, ...

Interactive TV News Round-Up (VII): SeaChange International, Sky News, Time ...

InteractiveTV Today [itvt]

TWC App Prompts Gadget Agita

Multichannel News


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Santikos Theatres is breaking out of S.A. - San Antonio Business Journal:

Air Purifiers Salt Lake City
At the same time, the San Antonilo company is looking to extend that presencwe beyondSan Antonio's -- and perhaps even -- borders. Santikos' initial movis theater effort outside of San Antonio isin Houston, wherd construction has begun on an entertainment and retail development that will be anchoreed by the Silverado IMAX. The multi-screeb theater complex will utilize half ofthe 200,000 squarer feet that Santikos is developingy in Northwest Houston. The balance of the land will accommodat e a varietyof retailers.
Santikoxs officials say the Silverado representsa $20 million to $25 million investment and, upon completion later this will resemble one of the company's newesgt San Antonio projects -- the Palladium IMAX, locatef on the Northwest Side. The Palladium openedx in December and featurex afull bar, a sit-down restaurant and other entertainment amenities. Santikos invested $35 millionh in that project. So why is first theater development outside of San Antonioi slated forNorthwest Houston? "There is huge growty in that area," says Santikos Chie f Financial Officer Sean Nasis. "Mr. Santikos has alwaysw wanted totry (expanding) outside of San Antonio.
This was a good opportunityh for him to do Nasis is referring toJohn Santikos, who presentlyu heads up a compan that was initially founded in 1914. John Santikosd was unavailable for comment atpress time. Santikoz currently operates eight theater complexes in San A ninth is inthe works. Until now, the companyg has concentrated solely onSan Antonio. But Nasis says this venturre into Houston representsa bricks-and-mortadr reality that should open the door to more opportunitiesz in other markets. "East Coast or West Coasty or somewhere in the if the location is right and a deal can be anythingis open," Nasis notes.
It is a sentiment echoede by Richard Cieplechowicz, director of operations for Santikos. "We' d love to grow," Cieplechowicz "If it goes well in Houston, we'll ramp up our (search) for other sites." Whilew Santikos has begun its expansion outside of its home the company has not lost sight of its need to continuse to invest in itshome market. Last week, Santikos brokw ground on the Grenada 18, whicnh will be located at Loop 1604 and Potranci Road onthe city's far West Nasis and Cieplechowicz say that project represents another $20 milliomn investment by the company.
Becaus San Antonio is experiencing unprecedented Santikos could look to expand further in San One such possibility isthe company's Legacy located at Loop 1604 and U.S. Highway 281. Nasis says there is a chance Santikos could look to develop a boutique theaterd on part ofits 100-acre Legacy tract. The Legacu development is representativeof Santikos' ongoingy investment in destination retail. From the get go, Santiko worked to set his projectf apart fromother developments. One of its earliest coups: Snaggin the city's first Life Time Fitnessw complex.
The center -- which spans a totalo of 150,000 square feet -- has been an integraol exampleof Santikos' vision for Legacy, according to Charlesx Hodges of Dallas-based . "We are counting on a frequenc yof visits, on uses that will bring activituy at different times of the day and the evenin g ... on the weekdays and weekends," says whose firm was tappex by Santikos to creatwthe mixed-use campus for Legacy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hawaii fish farm wants to invest $13 million to quadruple moi production - Houston Business Journal:

, which is owned by of Lihue, is seeking permits to expandr its state ocean lease from 28 acresx to61 acres. That wouled enable the Kailua-based companyy to quadruple the volume of its cages and increase productionfrom 1.2 millionh pounds to 5 million pounds annually. The expansioj requires four permits, which the company appliesd for late lastmonth — two from the state , one from the stat Health Department and a federal Hukilau, which grew out of a projecy in the late 1990s, expects the expansion to generatd $20 million in annual revenue, with wholesalse prices of about $4 a pound.
The company sells its producrt almost entirely withinthe state, to restaurants and said founder, co-owner and CEO Randy Cates. Hukilau’as current operation includes four submerged eachmeasuring 3,000 cubic meters in Its permit applications seek approval to replacde the existing cages with eight new ones that are doublr the current cage sizes. The largetr set would still be two mile s offshore inMamala Bay. The expansion is expectef to cost $13 million, which Cates said will be financedr through federal loans and private He expects the permitting process to be completed in the firsr quarter ofnext year.
Hukilau also is building a fingerlinyg (baby fish) hatchery in Campbell Industrial Park in The facility is expected to be completed this year and producer about 10 million fingerlings If approved, Hukilau Foods’ expansion wouldf follow the downsizing of Kona Blue Water Hawaii’s only other open-ocean fish The Kona farm announced earlier this year that it will reducse annual production of its farmed Hawaiiajn yellowtail from 1 million pounds to 600,0090 pounds. Hukilau Foods grew out of a UH aquaculture research projectthat Cates, a forme r commercial fisherman, took over in 1999. He formed in 2000 to convertf thepilot open-ocean farm into a In 2007, Grove Farm Co.
acquired Cates’ companu and renamed it Grov e Farm Fish andPoi LLC, whicbh does business as Hukilau Foods.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Brown Shoe posts loss - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The shoe company reported a lossof $7.6 million, or 18 centzs per share, for the quarter ended May 2, compared to a profitf of $7.2 million a year ago. Resultw included $1.7 million for information technology costs. Brow n recorded net sales of $538.7 million, down nearlyh 3 percent from $554.5 million a year earlier. Analystes had anticipated a loss of 27 cents per sharweand $539.3 million in revenue. “As anticipated, the consumed spending environment remained challenging in the first which negatively impacted our salesand profitability,” Chairman and Chiefd Executive Ron Fromm said in a statement.
“We have decreasede our Famous Footwear store opening plan for 2009 and we now expectt net openings to be flat to down 15 in We are planning net store closings of approximatelt 30 stores per year in 2010and St. Louis-based Brown Shoe Co. Inc. (NYSE: BWS) owns and marketws shoes underthe LifeStride, Connie, Buster Brown and other and operates the Famous Footwear and Naturalizer retail The company operates a desigjn studio and showroom in N.Y., and global offices in Italy and Brazil. The company has aboutf 13,000 employees worldwide.

Friday, March 11, 2011

PNC raises more than $600M following stress test - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
PNC (NYSE:PNC) was among the nation’ws 19 largest bank holding companiesz tested to see if they were adequately capitalized to withstane worst case scenarios ina prolonged, severe Ten were directed to raise including PNC, which was told it needed an additionalo $600 million. It was the smallest amoun assigned to thetested banks, and the only one less than $1 “Given the ongoing uncertainty in the market, capital strengtn and liquidity are key drivers of Jim Rohr, PNC chairman and CEO, said in a statement. “I am pleased that we were able to raisee therequired $600 million of common equityg at market prices and in a relatively shoryt time frame.
” PNC also said it has no plans to convery preferred shares issued under the Capitap Purchase Program of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Troubled Asse t Relief Program and that it plan s toredeem Treasury’s $7.6 billion investment as soon as subject to approval by banking regulators. PNC operatesa PNC Bank and National City Bank National City has twodozen Milwaukee-area locations, including the former St. Franciws Bank locations.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Study: Planned layoff figures continue downward trend - Houston Business Journal:
Employers announced 111,182 planned job cuts last 16 percent fewer thanthe 132,590 announced in according to the latest report on monthly job cuts by The studt noted that the May job cuts were 7.4 percenf more than the 103,522 announced in the same month a year ago. This year has not been kind to The report found that so far in 2009 employerz haveannounced 822,282 job more than double the 394,193 announced througy May last year. But while job cuts remained well abovwelast year's pace, May markedr the fourth consecutive month with a decline in job-cu announcements. Since reaching a peak of 241,749 in job-cut totals have fallen by an averageof 17.5 percenf per month.
CEO John Challenger remains cautious aboutr the jobmarkets prospects. “This decline in job cuts could be Challenger said ina statement. “The second quarter is typically the lowest quarter of the year when it comesa tojob cuts. Corporate downsizinf may continue to remain slow during the summer but if the past isany indication, we couldr see the pace accelerate againm in the latter half of the thir quarter through the end of the year.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bank of America
The former president of -Marylans tried to take a few months tojust “do nothing.” She had the rare chance afted leaving the bank in February. She was one of severapl high-level executives to lose her job inthe N.C.-based bank’s reorganization. But Gamble, 46, is back in the finance game She andCindy Flanders, BofA’s forme global commercial bank executive for the have launched LLC, a private equityu firm that will focus on funding companied with $10 million to $100 milliom in revenue.
Eventually, the two want to raise enoughu money to start a privateequitgy fund, grabbing some of the capital they see “sitting on the At least one estimate pegs that capital at $400 “I don’t do ‘nothing’ well,” Gamble joked recentl at in Harbor “I was trying really hard to do It’s a hard habi t to break.” What Flanders and Gamblre are learning to break from is the corporatd life, not an easy thingf to do when you’ve spent your whole caree amid organizational flow charts and board Though both lost their jobs because of the bank’s attempf to right itself after its force acquisition of troubled , theidr story is hardly the typical tale of the displaced They left with retirements intact, a strong relationshil with the bank, severance packages, lots of contacts and choices.
Their first choice was not to returmn tocorporate life. The travel, the structure and the 70-hourd weeks were something they were ready togive up. “At this stags in our careers, we want to dictatew the terms,” Gamble said. Being able to do just that magnified the dichotomy between the middlse manager who finds herself lookingt for something to pay the bills andthe well-connectef exec who is ready to pursue her next big Those who can afford to are using layoffxs to do what they finally want to do or something they never dreamed of The Internet is filled with advice for how to change careerws and find happiness.
People not conteng on changing careers and working for someonwe else are likely to drivde a wave of new companies in the nextfive years. “Thoses that are entrepreneurial are using their contacts and sources to eithe r develop their own business or work with someone on creatinvgnew companies,” said Lawrencer J. Holmes, managing director of the , a Howardc County search firm that recruits executiveswin finance, health care, technology and insurance. He said Gambl and Flanders will join the many from Wall banks and other financiall companies who are venturing out ontheird own. Top executives like them have an advantage over othersx inthe market.
They have management expertisr and knowmany people. Driving the new business trendd is that fewer top executives want to move toanothee city. A man Holmes tried to recruit recentlyh turned downa $100,000 pay increasd because it involved moving. “Before people moved all the time,” Holmes said. “I don’t know if their values We see it allthe time. They thinjk life is too short.” The two women had both mulled the next step in theie careers for at least the past two Changes at Bank of America forced them to finallydo it. Both coulf have found other roles in the bank inanothee city. Instead, they decided to plot theidr next move inthe Baltimore-Washington area.
55, thought about becoming an executive coacbh and decidedthere wasn’t enough demand for the She then became fixated on private equityy after asking colleagues to talk abou her strengths and weaknesses. Flanders liked deals and came across many in 35 years of She ran Bankof America’sx commercial and business banking clientr teams from central New Jersey down through Virginia, providing financial services to companies with $2 million to $2 billio in revenue. She knows lots of companiese and CEOs, a good start in tryinvg to drum up business onyour own. “I kept cominyg back to this when I talkerd to somany clients, and I was encouraged to do Flanders said.
“It was the best way to leveragee the network I built up over somany years.” As Flandersz plotted Skipjack, Gamble tried to relax. Relaxing for Gamble meang working out with a trainere at alocal gym, rowing crew on the Middlw Branch, spending more time with her family and continuing work on half a dozen nonprofir boards.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pike River hearings delayed - Newstalk ZB


Pike River hearings delayed

Newstalk ZB

Commission chairman Justice Graham Panckhurst says a new date was necessary to enable counsel and others to prepare for the preliminary hearing, and to reorganise their affairs following the earthquake. In the meantime, the Commission Office has been ...

Quake puts off Pike River inquiry preliminary hearing

New Zealand Herald

Pike River commission hearing deferred



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stimulus funds lag health woes - South Florida Business Journal:
“If the economy has improved in that we will have less pressure onthe system,” he said. “I reform efforts are actually implemented in thattime – and are actuallgy successful during that time – we may see that cliftf put [further] out, or it’s not as an abrup of a cliff.” THE DETAILS: Many of the panelists say theidr companies are hiring. Baptist Healtj South Florida is looking for as many as 100registeredr nurses, as well as advanced nurss practitioners and licensed clinicalp professionals. Applicants need a year of acute care hospita experience and aFloridqa license. It has 43 openings for professional/clinical most requiring a state license.
Career opportunitiesz also exist inthe pharmacy, respiratory, rehabilitation, accounting, informatio n technology and risk managemenrt areas. Sapoznik Insurance is hiring thres to four licensed insurance agents with experience in group orindividuap health, life, disability and other ancillary products. It is also lookingb for a group insurance quoting specialist and account IOS Health Systems has been on a hiring which is expected to continur throughoutthe year. It expects to add six salesa positions, four software implementers and foursoftwaree developers.
Most jobs requires technical, project management and customefrservice skills, but training in health care and health informatiob technology is provided.