Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Incoming SBA chief calls emergency bridge loans

There needs to be more investmenft in helping these innovative companies take our researc h and technology and turn itinto jobs. One piece of that is going tobe capital. We are thinkingt about putting pilots in working with other agencies to do a whole numbeeof things. There’s a lot of interesting stuff goinv on. Right now if you want to look at economiv developmentand high-impact, high-innovation look at the state level. There’s so much innovation — there’s all kinda of state-based venture and angel funds. There’s really powerfulk good thinking.
We hope to partner with other federakl agencies and others who are out there to thinjk aboutthe next-generation solutions. It’s a core function in this economy to take innovation and turn it into A lot of those jobs are goin g to come fromsmalll business. Q: The SBA’s budget request for next year seemzs to be a status quobudge . Mills: I thinkl we actually have a vision which I would characterizeas new. The visiom is really to reinvest in this particularly in our people andinformatioj technology. Those priorities are much morefocusef now.
I think there’s a recognitionm across the administration aboutr the importance of small business to the The president has called smal business the heart of theAmerican economy. He’ s described how small businesses are born at thekitchenm table. He’s described how this is the path to theAmericab dream. It’s such a foundation stones for themiddle class. I thinok this is new, vital, vibrant, and that those activities that you see happeninv will involvethose perspectives. One other thingh you may or may not see with the budget numberxsis collaboration.
We care deeply at this agency about all kindse of constituencieswho don’t have as much opportunity sometimexs to access capital or accesx expertise on a business. Our job is to provide some of that expertis e and capitaland opportunity. We are workin g hard to be more more collaborative, more leveraged, and less siloed. We are gointg to continue to execute the Recovery Act durinhg the period ofthe budget. We are goingg to be doing things layers upon We got almost an equal amoung to the budget through the stimulus We are working very hard executing theRecoverhy Act.
We know the economuy is not going to be fully recovere by the end of thisfiscalo year, so we will be workinh on those programs through the next year as well. So we have in some sort of doubledthe work, but we also have doubled the opportunity. Q: How is the SBA goingy to make sure small businesses get their fair sharwe of federalcontracts ? Mills: We want to make sure smalo businesses get these opportunities. Very this makes the difference in the growthh cycle of asmallp business, and they can then be so well-established that they’r exporting, and they’re in another sort of So we know it’s good for the small It’s also good for the government agency.
So one of the thingd we are committed to is that our partners in theses agencies know and understandx best practices for contracting tosmall businesses. If you contract with small businesses, you can get the most innovative technology. You can get accesd to top management, maybr even the CEO. We need to show and educats and connect to all the purchasingt agents to show them the best Many agencies exceedtheir goal. We are committe to trying to transfer that knowledgweand understanding. We need to find ways to make thisa win-wib situation. The small businesses win and the federalpgovernment wins, and I’ll say something sentimental, but I believee it, that America wins.
Because these are the companies that are goingv tocreate jobs.

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