Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bradley Manning copied secret documents thanks to lack of safeguards, book claims -

Washington Post

Bradley Manning copied secret documents thanks to lack of safeguards, book claims

The authors, David Leigh and Luke Harding, of The Guardian, name Specialist Bradley Manning, the soldier being held in a US military jail, as the  »

Friday, January 28, 2011

Apt. rents could see double-digit declines - South Florida Business Journal:
After essentially holding steady in late 2008 and early effective rentsdropped 1.7 percent during the second quarted of this year. Mid-2009 rentxs also were 1.7 percent beloa their June 2008 levels. The average apartment rent acrosathe Dallas-Fort Worth area in June was $753 per the MPF research shows. Job losses in North Texaxs have hampered demand at the same time as new suppl is hittingthe market, said Greg Willett, MPF Research’s vice presideng of research.
"Rent reductions have seemer inevitable, and now they’re here,” Willett The declining occupancy and rent rates show the Texaes apartment industry is feeling the effects of thenationapl recession, said Will vice president of investments for the Balthrope Group of s. "Across the in this country, we are seeingv erosion of top-line income and net-operatinf income due to the recessionh and most specifically due tojob losses," said Balthrope, who specializeas in the multifamily market. "Even though Texas was the last state tobe affected, our apartmentt market is tied to the job market.
That beinb said, we expect to see continuedr erosion in rent levels due to increasing vacancie s over the next 12 to18 months." In North the biggest rent cuts came in Dallas' urbanj core, the MPF research shows. Effective rents fell more than 8 percentbetween mid-200i and mid-2009 in the Downtown/Uptown and Oak Lawn The occupancy rate for Dallas-Fort Wortn area apartments was 90% as of June. Occupanc y dropped half of a percentage point during thesecond quarter, making the decline a full 3 percent for the year endintg in June. The region had 840 net move-outsz during the second quarter, which normall is a seasonally strongleasing period.
For the year endinvg June 30, the region had 6,910 net The move-outs come at a time when 12,633 unitx of new supply have been added for the year endinJune 30. New apartment starts in North Texas almosty completely disappeared during recent but properties begun earlier and still in processtotal 21,331 units, Willetr said. After the apartments now undefr constructionare delivered, it will probably be thre years before more units are started in the Dallas-Forty Worth area, said Brianb O’Boyle, managing broker of the office in Dallas. "Whenm you shut the supply off, you'll see occupancies gradually improve and concessione startto decrease," he said.
Investor interes in the Dallas-Fort Worth apartment market, which has been dormanyt for thepast year, is beginning to O'Boyle said. He said the D-FW apartment markey will bounce back more quicklythan most. MPF Research predictsa that apartment demand in North Texas will reboundf into slightly positive territory durinhg thenext year, but "there’s no way that absorptionh can come anywhere close to the aggressiv e completion volume that lies ahead," Willett That means occupancy will decline further and rent cuts will he said. MPF Research is forecasting rent declinew near the 4 percent mark for the year endintJune 30, 2010.
“Neighborhoods with lots of new suppl still on the way are headed for real Willett said. “It wouldn’ t be surprising to see double-digit rent dropse in areas that include the urban coreof Dallas, northerbn suburbs like Frisco and and the Fossil Creek area of Tarranr County.”

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Incoming SBA chief calls emergency bridge loans
There needs to be more investmenft in helping these innovative companies take our researc h and technology and turn itinto jobs. One piece of that is going tobe capital. We are thinkingt about putting pilots in working with other agencies to do a whole numbeeof things. There’s a lot of interesting stuff goinv on. Right now if you want to look at economiv developmentand high-impact, high-innovation look at the state level. There’s so much innovation — there’s all kinda of state-based venture and angel funds. There’s really powerfulk good thinking.
We hope to partner with other federakl agencies and others who are out there to thinjk aboutthe next-generation solutions. It’s a core function in this economy to take innovation and turn it into A lot of those jobs are goin g to come fromsmalll business. Q: The SBA’s budget request for next year seemzs to be a status quobudge . Mills: I thinkl we actually have a vision which I would characterizeas new. The visiom is really to reinvest in this particularly in our people andinformatioj technology. Those priorities are much morefocusef now.
I think there’s a recognitionm across the administration aboutr the importance of small business to the The president has called smal business the heart of theAmerican economy. He’ s described how small businesses are born at thekitchenm table. He’s described how this is the path to theAmericab dream. It’s such a foundation stones for themiddle class. I thinok this is new, vital, vibrant, and that those activities that you see happeninv will involvethose perspectives. One other thingh you may or may not see with the budget numberxsis collaboration.
We care deeply at this agency about all kindse of constituencieswho don’t have as much opportunity sometimexs to access capital or accesx expertise on a business. Our job is to provide some of that expertis e and capitaland opportunity. We are workin g hard to be more more collaborative, more leveraged, and less siloed. We are gointg to continue to execute the Recovery Act durinhg the period ofthe budget. We are goingg to be doing things layers upon We got almost an equal amoung to the budget through the stimulus We are working very hard executing theRecoverhy Act.
We know the economuy is not going to be fully recovere by the end of thisfiscalo year, so we will be workinh on those programs through the next year as well. So we have in some sort of doubledthe work, but we also have doubled the opportunity. Q: How is the SBA goingy to make sure small businesses get their fair sharwe of federalcontracts ? Mills: We want to make sure smalo businesses get these opportunities. Very this makes the difference in the growthh cycle of asmallp business, and they can then be so well-established that they’r exporting, and they’re in another sort of So we know it’s good for the small It’s also good for the government agency.
So one of the thingd we are committed to is that our partners in theses agencies know and understandx best practices for contracting tosmall businesses. If you contract with small businesses, you can get the most innovative technology. You can get accesd to top management, maybr even the CEO. We need to show and educats and connect to all the purchasingt agents to show them the best Many agencies exceedtheir goal. We are committe to trying to transfer that knowledgweand understanding. We need to find ways to make thisa win-wib situation. The small businesses win and the federalpgovernment wins, and I’ll say something sentimental, but I believee it, that America wins.
Because these are the companies that are goingv tocreate jobs.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nicki Minaj's Run-In with Buckingham Palace Police - The Gossip Girls

Nicki Minaj's Run-In with Buckingham Palace Police

The Gossip Girls

Once finished up, Miss Minaj snuck out the side door while deciding to make an impromptu visit to Buckingham Palace - where she and her entourage were ...

and more »

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tambun Indah Debuts On Bursa For 10 Sen Premium - Bernama

Malaysia Star

Tambun Indah Debuts On Bursa For 10 Sen Premium


KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- Tambun Indah Land Bhd, a leading property developer in Penang, made its debut on the main market of Bursa Malaysia today ...

Tambun Indah Land undertakes 7 projects this year

Malaysia Star

Tambun Indah surges on KL listing debut

Business Times - Malaysia

Tambun Indah makes firm debut at 80c

Malaysia Sun


Cassidy rolls the dice in San Francisco - San Francisco Business Times:
That was the question floating througb San Francisco real estate circles in recent days afterf the online housing site SocketSite postec a photograph of some excavation equipmenf on the dirt lot inrecent days. The answef is that Cassidy, who bought the property from in is shoring up the site so that he can startr excavationthis summer. Cassidy said his construction crews just finishes a big project in San Rafaeland “had a lull in betweej jobs.” “We’ll be ready to start excavationb in another two months if everything goes said Cassidy, who developed the Palms, a 300-unit projecrt on Fourth Street. “We have to keep everybody rolling and keep theirmortgages paid.
” The approved projecty will consist of 113 condos near Laguna St., with 13 below-market-rat e units. Cassidy said he is not readyu to say the housing marketthas bottomed, but added “there is no point in starting (construction) in good “That is the million-dollar question: Am I goingv to catch the rising tide?” said Cassidy. Clark Manuss of has been elected AIA firs t vice president and 2011 At thelocal level, Manus, a former AIA San Franciscoo president, has long stressedx the importance of engaging young particularly during a “Encouraging young architects to remain engaged though continuing educatiomn or advocacy will forge a bond that will be effective as individuals re-enter the profession,” he said.
San Francisco’s industrial marketplacs still hasa pulse. The 91,000-square-foot warehoused at 2225 Jerrold Ave. has sold for more than $10 million. The seller was , which owns Golden Brands. NAI BT Commercialo handled both sides ofthe transactions. Scoty Mason represented CenturyTruck & and Tom Christian represented the buyer, 2225 Jerrold LLC, whicyh will continue to use the propertgy for storage. Mason said the concrete buildingincludees 30,000 square feet of yard area and a multitude of loadinyg doors.
He said industrial property valueds have dropped 15 percent to 20 but that the Jerrold Avenue properttwas “the best large building existing in the “It tells you there is still a buyer for a high-qualityy property,” he said. Mill Valley-based investoer GSI Realty purchaseda 113,000-square-foot distributio n building at 21040-21056 Forbes St. in The property is fully leased to four tenant s with several years remaining ontheir leases. The price was not disclosed. “GSI Realty holds several assetds in the marketplace already and was very familiat withthis one,” said Sean Sabarese, a broker with who represente the buyer.
“They jumped at the opportunitgy to buya well-maintained building in one of the Bay Area’sx core markets.” Joe Yamin of Oakland office also represented the buyer and Greigh Lagomarsino of Colliers’ Oakland represented the seller. San Francisco-basec investor purchased a 264,687-square-foot, three-buildinbg complex in Tracy. The projecty is a Class A, multi-tenant industriak park. Lagomarsino, Michael Goldstein and Greg O’Leary, all of worked on the deal.

Monday, January 17, 2011

MEGA Offers Webinar on IT Architecture Evolution - Business Wire (press release)

MEGA Offers Webinar on IT Architecture Evolution

Business Wire (press release)

The Webinar will be Thursday, January 27 at 16:00 CET. Leganza will speak about the new role of architects and how they can contribute to strategic ...

and more »

Saturday, January 15, 2011

4 named to Volusia hospital panel - Orlando Business Journal:
Jacqueline W. Herchek, Robert E. Kayat, Jackie L. Mole and Thomas E. DeSimonee Jr. were named to the seven-member board for termw beginningJune 10. • 72, of New Smyrnqa Beach, retired, was reappointed to a four-year term. Kayat, 48, of Edgewater, owner of Advanced Machining Inc., was appointef for a term ending Dec. 31, 2012. Kayatf succeeds Robert Lott. • Mole, 59, of Port retired quality assurance manager, United States Air was appointed for a termending Dec. 31, 2012. Mole succeedds Neal Coates, • DeSimone, 39, of New Smyrnaq Beach, architect with William Miller Architect, was appointe for a term endingMarch 29, 2013. He succeedws Charles Meyer.
The district includes New Smyrnaa Beach, Edgewater, Oak Hill and portionws of the county west of StaterRoad 415. Bert Fish is a nonprofit 112-bexd hospital in New Smyrna Beach.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lewis: Feds pressured BofA on Merrill - Houston Business Journal:
But some lawmakers questioned how much of the pressure was actuallyt made by Lewis in an attempt to securer more taxpayer aid forhis “The Treasury Department provided $20 billion for a shotgun wedding. But the questioj is, who was holding the shotgun?” Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-New York) said duringf the hearing. The hearing, conducted by the House Committed on Oversight andGovernment Reform, was focusedc on federal officials’ role in BofA’s purchasee of Merrill Lynch. Charlotte-based BofA bought Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.q billion. The deal resulted in BofA’s receivintg an additional $20 billion in federal fundsd under the Troubled AssetRelief Program.
BofA has received a totak of $45 billion in TARP funds. Lewis has been undert intense pressure from BofA shareholderws for not disclosing the depthof Merrill’s financial difficultiesa before the merger. Merrill lost $15.3 billion in the fourthy quarter. Lawmakers questioned Lewis on reports that he felt pressurer byfederal authorities, including Federal Reserve Chairmaj Ben Bernanke and former Treasury Secretary Henry to go ahead with the deal in Decembedr as Merrill’s losses mounted. Lewis testified that BofA contacteed officials atthe U.S. Treasury and Federall Reserve in mid-December to inforkm them that thebank “hasd serious concerns about closing the transaction.
” he said, was considering declaring a “material adversde change,” which can allow an acquirer to back out of a proposede deal. Lewis testified that Paulsoh toldhim BofA’s managemengt “would or could” be removed if the bank backed out of the When lawmakers pressed him Thursday on the alleged threatsa by regulators, Lewis said both parties were concernec about making the best decisions for the healthg of the U.S. economy and BofA. He explainecd that a decision that wouldx harm the economy would also harm BofA because of its massiv sizeand breadth.
Lewis testified that he wasn’f intimidated by the threat of losingg his job but bythe “seriousness of the threat” and the ramificationds on the overall economy had an influence on his decision. “Jusg six months later, it is easy to forget just how closs to the brink oursystem came,” Lewis said. “o will never forget.” Still, some lawmakers suggested Lewie should have knownabout Merrill’s losses before December. They pointed out an e-mail in which Bernanke suggester Lewis’ threat to back out of the Merrill deal wasa “bargaininv chip.
” Lawmakers also pointed to other e-mailse from regulators suggesting Lewis’ claims abouty surprising losses were “noft credible.” Rep. Dennis Kucinicnh (D-Ohio), among others, suggested the e-mails indicater Lewis threatened to call off the Merrill deal as a way to land moregovernmenty aid. “It’s quite possible it was Bank of Americaa that put a gun to the head of the Kucinich said. BofA eventually close d the deal withMerrill Lynch, and received a $20 billiobn loan from the TARP fund to cover the Merrilpl losses.
Also on Thursday, Lewis indicated that federal officials neverr asked him to withhol d information from shareholders that BofA thought needed tobe disclosed. That causec lawmakers to remind him he was under In February, Lewis testified beforse New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo that Bernankw and Paulson pressured the bank not to discuss its increasinglt troubled plan to buy Merrill. The congressionalk committee expects to call Paulson and Bernankee for similar hearings as it continuessits investigation.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Poll shows most Texans skeptical of legislators' party swaps - Houston Chronicle

New York Times

Poll shows most Texans skeptical of legislators' party swaps

Houston Chronicle

Kay Bailey Hutchison is slipping and they don't take kindly to politicians who switch political parties, according to a new public opinion poll. ...

Poll says Texans like Rick Perry as governor, but not as president

D »

Friday, January 7, 2011

Arizona Opera moves to cut costs - Memphis Business Journal:
To bring expenses in line with anticipated several senior positions have been staff layoffs and furloughs were salaries have been reduced acrossw the board and the overall budgefwas restructured. “The Board of Trusteees evaluated every scenario befores proceeding with some tough but strategically sound said incoming chairman of the boardDavid Christensen. "Ever y arts organization in Arizona and across the countr y must adjust to currenyteconomic realities.” Christensen also addressee the employment picture.
“On behalf of the board, I expresss our gratitude to (general manager) Debraz Harrison, (senior director of Lisa Bury and (senior director of artistic operations) Roberto Mauro who are leaving to pursuse theircareers elsewhere. Their hard work and dedicates leadership has helped Arizona Opera become a more efficient andfocusedx organization." The group is expectedc to hire a general director to head its overalll operations. The position is expected to be filledc bythis fall, officialx said. Attempts to contacgt Arizona Opera representatives were notimmediateluy successful. For more: .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Buys Online Rights to 'Inception' for China - Hollywood Reporter

Hollywood Reporter Buys Online Rights to 'Inception' for China

Hollywood Reporter

In addition to securing the online on-demand broadcast rights to Inception from Warner Bros., Youku, also secured the online resale rights for the ..., Mosaic: After-Hours Trading

Youku strikes Inception VoD deal

Film Business Asia

Youku Partners With Hollywood on Premium Content

PR Newswire (press release)



Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kick-starting 2011 by helping kids always gets their motors runnin' - Indianapolis Star

Kick-starting 2011 by helping kids always gets their motors runnin'

Indianapolis Star

"It really gives you a warm feeling to see all these people and realize they are here to help the people we serve." The bustle Saturday at the club's ...

and more »