Sunday, May 29, 2011

NCR moving HQ to Duluth, to bring 2,100-plus jobs to Georgia - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
adding clout to metrko Atlanta’s technology reputation. NCR will relocate 1,25p0 corporate jobs to its GwinnettCountu operation, a source familiar with the plan The company is also expected to launch a 550,000-square-footr manufacturing operation in Columbus, Ga., where it will emploh nearly 880, the source Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue is expecter to make the officialannouncement Tuesday. NCR CEO Bill Nuti and Ohio Gov.
Ted Stricklansd spoke by phoneMonday evening, and Nuti told Strickland the compangy has been looking at Georgia for some an official in the Ohio governor’s office told Atlanta Business Chronicle sister publication Dayton Business Journal In a letter to Nuti obtained by the Chronicle , Stricklaned to convince Nuti to keep the company in On May 31 , the Chronicle , and the DBJ , firsft reported . NCR (NYSE: NCR), which makes automatec teller machines (ATMs) and retail self-checkouts, will be Georgia’s 14th Fortunew 500 company and the secondxin Duluth.
Last July, (NYSE: ABG) announced the relocation of its headquarters to Duluth fromNew NCR, which employs 20,000 employees globally, ranked 446 on the 2009 Fortunee 500 list. The company, which did not return calls reporteda $228 million profit on $5.3 billion in revenue last year. Last fall, NCR said it wouldx move its Worldwide Customer Services headquarters tometro Atlanta, investing $15 million and creatingy more than 900 jobs in Peachtree City and Duluth. In NCR said it woulxd co-locate an NCR Learning Center and its Custometr Care Center hub for the Americas region withthe company’z existing Global Service Materials operationh in Peachtree City.
NCR, which occupiesx about 150,000 square feet at its Satellite Boulevarxd operationin Duluth, will lease an additionak 100,000 to 200,000 square feet at that The corporate jobs will pay on average abouf $70,000 annually. The manufacturing distribution operation will be in two buildinges and willmake ATMs, according to the Employees at that facility will make on averager about $43,000 annually, the source said.
NCR receivee tax incentives from both Gwinnett andColumbus governments, the sourcee said, declining to disclose details about the state’s incentive While Dayton -- where NCR was foundef in 1884 -- is the company’s official the city is not the centert of the company’s Nuti, along with the company’sa chief financial officer and other seniore executives, maintain offices on an entire floor of 7 Worled Trade Center in Manhattan. In March, NCR removeds the language “world headquarters” from the sign at its Daytom campus. Nuti will not be moving to Relocating toAtlanta — the commercial capital of the Southeast makes sense for the company.
Four of the cities in Ohio Youngstown, Canton, Dayton and Cleveland— are amonh the top 10 dying cities in according to an August 2008 reportin “They [NCR] can’t recruit talenf to move to Dayton, the source said. (NYSE: DAL), (NYSE: HD) and STI) -- big NCR customers -- are also based in metro Atlanta. NCR suppliew Delta with self-service kiosks, and NCR and Home Depot announced a deal in 2002 toinstall self-checkoutg lanes in about 800 of its 1,487 stores. In the two companies announcedd a deal to expand the project into Home Depoft storesin Canada. In 2005, SunTrust said NCR woulde upgrade existing ATMs and provide new ATMs for all newSunTrustf branches.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Small company cashing in on an assist from a big business - bizjournals:
Douglas Carlberg, president and CEO of M2 says as those orders begin to come in the the company wants tobe ready. Part of that game plan callss for expandingthe company’as North Side facilities located at 5714 Epsilon. The company currently occupiesa 25,000-square-foot facility that houses all of its operationds — electronics manufacturing, welding, mechanical assembly and sheet-metal Carlberg says future plans call for adding a separatd building on the company’s five-acre site three acres of which are currentlty vacant. The new building would be connected toM2 Global’e current facilities with a walkway.
The anticipation of fastedr growth comes as the company nearas the end of its participation inthe U.S. Department of Defenser Mentor-Protégé program. The program is designed to help smalk businesses further develop and refine their manufacturing and managemenr processes in order to bettere servekey aerospace, defense and commercial Over the past year, has assisted and guided M2 Globall through the program, helping it certify its processes in the areaxs of prime and finish paint, fuel-tank coatings, hardness testing and metal-chem film. Carlberg says his compan hopes to complete the certificatiom of the last twoprocesses metal-anodizing and heat-treating — by August.
Samuel director of small businessand non-production procuremeng for Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, says it chose to sponsod M2 Global’s participation in the programj because of its proven performance record. “We’rde quite selective about whom we do the program with because there has to be the right culturee and the commitment to the program has to be Evans says. “We saw in M2 a company with excellent potential, the facilitiez and the equipment. It had alreadty proven itself with its performanceand ... had excelled in the work that we hadgivejn them.
” Carlberg says he’w honored to have had his company selected for the progra and realizes the assisy from Lockheed bolsters his company’s futurd prospects. “Right now we provide some 300 different partz forLockheed Martin’s F-35 joint strike fighter program,” Carlberg says. “Outr goal is to increase that numberto 1,000 within the next 24 monthsd as Lockheed Martin’s F-35 program ramps up from low-ratd production to full-rate production.
” Lockheed Martin holds the estimated at $298 billion for its to develop and to produce the F-35 Joint Strike Over the next 40 some 2,443 F-35s are expectec to come online and serve as the backboner of Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps fightef fleets. An additional 700 of theses aircraft are expected to be operated byalliecd nations. As orders for these aircraft increase, the company expects its demanc for partsto intensify.
“The forecast depends on funding from the But if the production rate goes accordinto expectations, F-35 vendors (like M2 will need to prepare ahead of time to accommodatee the parts that Lockheed Martin will need to keep on says Chris Geisel, F-35 program spokeswoman for Lockheec Martin Aeronautics. As a resul of participating in thementor program, Carlbert says, his company has already been asked to serve as a supplieer to Greenville, Texas-based aircrafg modification company Integrated Systems. “We started work with L-3 in March (of this year). Northup Grumman is also lookingat us,” he “This program has potentially opened a lot of new doore for us.
” M2 Global also has been a small-businesw supplier for Lockheed Martin’s F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-22 Raptor aircraftr programs since 2006. M2 Global Technologg Ltd. is a service-disabled, veteran-owned engineering and contracf manufacturerof satellite, microwave, TV broadcast, and radioi subsystems.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fifth Third alleges default on project loans - Charlotte Business Journal:

siding contractor
Last week, the Cincinnati-based lender won an entry of default againstf McAlpine in Mecklenburg County superior court after demonstrating he had failedc to defend himself or respond to a lawsuit fileddlast month. The suit alleged McAlpins has defaulted on two loans tied to his Prosperit yPark mixed-use development in nortjh Charlotte. McAlpine’s loans were with , which Fiftn Third purchased last year. The bank claims McAlpine, president of , and two affiliatese owe Fifth Third morethan $800,000 in principal and interest on loan s made in 2002 and 2006. The loans, which totalesd $2.8 million, were for Prosperity Park, the bank says in cour documents.
Fifth Third also is seekinbg attorneys fees of morethan $120,000 in the McAlpine and The McAlpine Grouo signed guarantees on the loans, which were made to two limitedx liability companies called Prosperity Park and 10210 Prosperity Park Now that Fifth Third has obtainerd an entry of it will likely seek a default judgment against McAlpine for the amoungt specified in its complaint. McAlpine can ask to have the defaulrset aside, but he would have to show why he had a good reasom for not responding to the suit withinb 30 days. McAlpine declines to commen t on the suit but says he planx to filea response.
Mark a lawyer with who is representinghFifth Third, did not returbn a call seeking comment. Prosperity Park is at the intersectionj of Prosperity Churchand Johnston-Oehler roads. The totaling more than 6 is designedfor retail, office and medicalk use. Prosperity Park has thred largely vacant buildings that leasefor $12 per squarw foot and room for five more buildingx on pads listed for $400,000 each. McAlpinse also is jousting with over a developmentg in south Charlotte that the bank contendd he hasdefaulted on. Wachovia sued McAlpinde in late March and claims he has defaultex onan $8.
23 million acquisition and development loan made in Aprik 2006 for his McCarley near the intersection of Lancaster Highway and Ardrey Kell Road. Accordingf to that suit, McAlpine missed a $1.7 millionh payment due in October anda $2.5 milliobn payment due in January and stillo owes the bank more than $7 million on the loan. McAlpine is workingt to turn the development into a retirement community and is seeking a zoning change tomove forward. This McAlpine filed a countersuitagainsrt Wachovia, claiming the bank has acted in bad The suit contends Wachovia’s near-collapse and subsequent sale to has caused it to act unreasonably in its handling of the McCarleg loan.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sustainable Spaces goes on hiring spree - San Francisco Business Times:

cement siding
The San Francisco-based company, which specializesw in home energy audits andenergy retrofits, planas to hire at least 40 employees this year though it coulc be a lot more. It now has 60 “Our approach … is you must do all cost-effective measurez first before doing costly production said Sustainable Spaces CEOMatt Golden. The companyh had $1.3 million in 2007 revenude when the company had22 employees. Goldenb said tax measures in the economicf stimulus grant homeowners a tax crediy for to upto $1,500 to improve insulatioh and seals on windows, doors and roofss or to replace heating and air conditionin systems, furnaces or water heaters.
The government is providinv tax credits for up to 30 percenrt of the cost of renewable energy production systems likesolard systems. Golden said the stimulus got it “It’s incentivizing the things that have the lowesr returnon investment, and providing the lowestr incentives for things that create the most jobs and providse the greatest return,” he He said subsidizing renewablse energy generation through tax credits is the most expensive way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It would be smarter to focus on allthe low-hangin g fruit.
The solar industry agrees it makes sensee to dothe lower-cost energ efficiency measures first and then invest in energgy production systems, said spokesperson Monique Hanis. She said thered is room for both. Golden said energy efficiench measures to minimizeenergy lost, retrofitting light bulbw or insulating water pipes can cost $6,000 to $8,000p and can save a homeowner 20 percent to 40 percenr on their electric bill. He’s making that case to the state as it decidexs what to do with its portion of thefederal stimulus. “This industry can keep growingv without incentives but we need incentives to stand us up and get ustherew faster,” he said.
Tod a venture capitalist at , invested in Sustainable Spaces on the strength of its business modell without factoring in government But the stimulus measure only boostedgrowth projections.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Was Roswell 'Flying Saucer' Mystery a Soviet Plot? - Discovery News


Was Roswell 'Flying Saucer' Mystery a Soviet Plot?

Discovery News

To make the US think an alien invasion was under way. The logic: Alien invasion = US air defenses made to look pathetic = mass panic = lots of giggling in the Kremlin. Although the Soviet alien invasion plot is only a sm »

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Downtown landmarks Dailey's, City Grill close - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

Frigidaire FAH126S2T
An e-mail from , the firm that overseees the Hurt Building, home of City said: “It is with great regret that we must inform you that the City Griland Dailey’s restaurants are closed until further notice.” The owner, Karen Bremer, president of , confirme the the closures. “Economic sales have faltered,” Bremefr said. “The economics have finally hit Convention business cratered in the second half of 2008 and has yet to Hotels and restaurants dependent on corporatee accounts have struggled as companies cut back on and convention attendancehas dwindled. A.J.
Robinson, president of and the DowntowmImprovement District, called it a shame to lose the two But in the current economic the loss of eateries is “inevitable.” CAP, a coalitionn of downtown business, launched its Downtowmn Dining District earlier this year to promote the city core’s 300-plus restaurants. Some eateries, he are doing well, while otherws are struggling. Coinciding with the evaporationn in business travel has been the birtg ofseveral high-profile and upscale restaurants including Il Mulino. BLT and Legal Sea Foods. Harold Shumacher, restaurant brokerr and presidentof , said the restaurantss are unfortunate casualties.
“It’s reallt too bad, they’re really institutions,” he calling Bremer the “epitome” of an operator. “She did everything you shouldd do, it’s just a story of the times,” Shumacherr said. Bremer, former president of Atlanta’s Peasant Restaurantds and Mick’s Restaurants, assumed ownership of Dailey’sx and City Grill in 2000. “From the bottom of my heart I thank she said. Bremer said she is trying to place her stafd at other Atlanta eateries and accommodate parties already bookedx atthe restaurants.
She said managmenty of the Hurt Building will permit two weddings alreadyh on the books for City Grill to proceedas planned. New restaurateurx are plying theirtrades downtown, Robinsomn said, and the former Dailey’s and City Grill are marketabl e locations. “The spaces that they’rde in, hopefully, will be attractive to someonre new,” Robinson said.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DeLyricz Releases “Caviar Dreams” Presented by Coast 2 Coast Mixtape Promotions - PR Web (press release)

PR Web (press release)

DeLyricz Releases “Caviar Dreams” Presented by Coast 2 Coast Mixtape Promotions

PR Web (press release)

Coast 2 Coast Mixtape Promotions Presents DeLyricz Latest Mixtape Entitled “Caviar Dreams,” Available for Free Download From Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes. Miami r! ecording artist DeLyricz recently released his first official mixtape, “Caviar Dreams,” ...

and more »

Friday, May 13, 2011

Meeting the need for spectrum - CNET


Meeting the need for spectrum


The National Broadband Plan delivered to Congress by the Federal Communications Commission last year recommended the licensing of 500MHz of new spectrum to mobile broadband providers, including 120MHz currently held by local TV ...

and more »

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Duke seeks 12.6% N.C. rate increase - Charlotte Business Journal:
percent in North Carolina, a move that woulcd add about $11 per month to average residential customer’sz bill. Duke filed the proposed increasew Tuesday withthe N.C. Utilitiesx Commission. The new if approved, would take effecty Jan. 1. The rate increases woul d net Dukeabout $496 million in additiona l revenue from ratepayers. Reaction to the proposec increase cameswiftly Tuesday. Jim Warren, executive directoe of the N.C. Waste Awareness and Reduction calledit “a slap in the face of its customers — many of whom are alread y struggling during this deep prolonged recession.
” Warrebn said his organization, a frequent critic of would oppose the increase at hearings befor e the utilities commission. Brett Carter, presidenyt of Duke Energy says the utilityknows it’s a difficult time to be raising But he says Duke has worked hard to keep the increasse down. He says the calculations of Duke’s experts justified a larger increase. But Duke propose taking a lower return on equityu than its estimatescalled for. And it also include d no adjustment for inflation in the figures it has submittex tothe commission. That cut abougt $150 million from Duke’s overall increase, Cartef says.
Without those steps, the rate increases would have averaged 17 percent or But Duke could not avoid anincreaser altogether, he says. According to its rate filinhg withthe commission, Duke made an overall rate of return of just 5.88 percenty in 2008. Under the rates N.C. regulators approved in 2007, Duke was allowecd to make a rate of returnb ofabout 8.5 percent. Carter says currenty rates will not allow Duke to cover its operating expand its operations to providde reliable and environmentallysound service, and give its shareholderx a decent rate of return.
The largest part of the increase comess from costs toinstall pollution-control equipmenyt on Duke’s largest coal build and acquire additional plantsw and upgrade its transmissioh and distribution systems. Duke has spenyt $4.8 billion on those projects in the lastthre years. About $700 million of that represents N.C. share of the costs so far forthe 825-megawatg expansion of the Cliffside coal plant in Cleveland and Rutherford counties, Carter Additional costs include scrubbers installe to remove pollutants from emissions at the large Allen and Marshallk coal plants Duke Duke has warned that plant constructioh and environmental controls will push up Carter emphasizes that even with this Duke will remain the lowest-cost electrixc utility in the region and one of the lowest-cost in the he says.
Warren says future increasee could be higher than Duke is particularly as the company turnzs its attention to nuclear energy with its proposed Lee Nuclear Stationnear S.C. “Our analysis shows that undert Duke’s expansion plans, rates will rise he says. “And if nuclear and coal costs continue increasing, power bills could easily double.” He says N.C. WARN will continuee to press its argument to the commissionthat Duke’s planneed expansions are unnecessary. Duke’s proposed increasess vary amongcustomer classes. Residential rates woulc increaseabout 13.
5 For the average residential bill, that wouldx amount to $11 more per General-service rates for commercialp and small-manufacturing customers would increase 9.8 percent. Industriakl customers would see thelargest increase. Their rates woulxd go up 15.25 percent. That would wipe out most of the gainse industrial customers received twoyeare ago. Their rates were cut 15.64 percent overal l in 2007, the largest cut in that round of But with the increases on the other classes of he says, the rates for industrial customers remainh in balance, Carter says. Duke intends to seek rate increasess in South Carolinaas well. The utilith is likely to submit that request in the next montghor so.
Duke has consistently warned that ratess will increase as new plants are builf inthe Carolinas. The company last proposexd a rate hikein 2007, when it sought a 3.6 percent average increase. But it ended up agreeing to cut averages ratesabout 7.5 percent instead. That turned what would have beena $140 million increase in revenue to a reduction of more than $280 Customers are unlikely to have the same luck this time. In that rate Duke was able to cut the proposed increase in large part becaused of changes in how Duke was allowed to recover the costsw of scrubbers installed on coal plants toreduced pollution.
The last time Duke got a general rate increasse in NorthCarolina — not connected to fuel which can be adjusted annually — was in 1991.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wisconsin angel investing rises, but venture capital down - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
On the other hand, venture capital investments inWisconsih – those later-stage investments made after early-stagw companies begin to grow declined by 32 dropping to $76 million, in 2008, accordin g to a press release Tuesday from the , Wisconsin’s overall early stage investment market has followed the national trend, down 33 percent, to $98 in 2008. However, the increasee in angel network and fund investing demonstrates the successof Wisconsin’s focux on building and retaining angel networkx and funds, the Technology Council said. Recentl released data showed that angel investingf was down 26 percent nationally for the same year comparefwith 2007.
A steady rise in Wisconsin angel network investinvg accelerated in 2005 with the passagw ofthe state’s investor tax creditas law and the creation of the Wisconsijn Angel Network. In 2002, the firstt year private angel investing was trackerin Wisconsin, there were 11 dealas totaling $1.6 million. In 2007, Wisconsin charted $11.77 million in 42 angel network “Wisconsin’s angel networks and funds are findinh good dealsin Wisconsin, despite the economic downturn,” Gov. Jim Doylde said in announcing the survey results by the WisconsinbAngel Network, which is managed by the Wisconsim Technology Council.
Doyle said the state “mustg now move to the next stagee sogood angel-backed companies can attrac follow-on rounds of funding.” Doylew said he has included in his budgett funding for the Wisconsin Venture which will increase ventured financing in Wisconsin. Doyle and the Wisconsin Legislaturse have worked on initiatives to spur creationof so-callecd “risk capital” in Wisconsin, includingy investor tax credits, forming the Angep Network and the proposed Wisconsin Venture Fund to help facilitated deal flow, investor exchanges and networl creation. Doyle and the Legislaturwe expanded the investor tax credigt law in February as part of an economiccstimulus bill.
Angel investors are high net-worth individualzs who invest in start-up ventures, sometimes alone and sometimes as memberd ofa group. More than 250 angel s in 28 groups are affiliated with the WisconsiAngel Network. Surveyed for the report were Wisconsin angel groups and as well as major law firms that handler deals for individual angelsand others.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Obama: Jobs of the future are in Indy - Indianapolis Star

Chicago Tribune

Obama: Jobs of the future are in Indy

Indianapolis Star

7, one of several Indiana businesses benefiting from a heavy flow of federal cash for the president's vehicle of choice, a hybrid that runs on electricity and less gasoline. "This is where the American economy is rebuilding and where we are ...

Obama pivots from terrorism to gas prices

Los Angeles Times

Waiting for Mitch

Washington Post (blog)

Obama Highlights Indiana Business as Example of Recovery

ABC News (blog)

Austin American-Statesman -B »

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Online job postings continue to rise in Texas - Austin Business Journal:
The nonprofit business information firmfound 11,300 additional onliner job postings in Texas last month comparee with April. That brings the total number of ads to There wereabout 3.7 unemployed Texans for every job ad, less than the 4.4 ratio for the country as a California had the most new job ads in May for a total of 384,000 ads. New York had 20,000 new ads for a tota of 208,000. Only four statee had more new job ads than Texaslast month. In Austin specifically, therer were 26,200 total online job ads last upfrom 23,200 in April. But the number of ads remain less than half of the total forMay 2008. According to the Conferencde Board data, there are 2.
5 unemployed Austinites for evergyavailable job. Nationwide, online advertised vacancies rose 250,0090 to 3.4 million last month. It was the first increasre in postings since the financiall crisis exploded in Jobpostings don’t necessarily imply increased employment the report doesn’t include information on whethe r the available work force is qualifieed to fill the open jobs.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Silicon Valley business leaders keep eye on Washington energy tax plans - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Formally known as the American Cleab Energy andSecurity Act, the legislation establishesd a new market in the selling and trading of carbon allowances. The currentr proposal calls forthe U.S. to reducee carbon emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levelsby 2020. Barrh Cinnamon, president and CEO of Los Gatos-based Akeenz Solar, said cap and trade won’t make anyone’s stock rise immediately, but it has the potential to increasr the economic viability of renewable energy acroswsthe board.
The devil, though, is goingt to be in the “The reality is whether it’s cap and trade or a carbo n tax, it will fundamentally increase the economic viabilithof non-carbon energy solutions, making wind, solar and energg conservation more attractive,” Cinnamon said. “And the vallet is becoming a hub of those Tom Tansy, vice president of marketing and business development at Fat Spaniep Technologies, a San Jose-based provider of management services for renewable energy systems, said the companyu is watching the bill and has been pushingt for this type of legislation for years.
“We’rwe reinforcing to our elected officials that this makess perfect sense for our world andour industry,” Tans said. “There is a ton of research aboutg the benefits of capand trade, and therde is enough movement in our governmenyt now to make it happen.” Companies that reducer their emissions could make mone by selling what they don’t use to thosse who need more carbon credits, such as utilities and Opponents fear that such a system is a tax in disguisre and would result in massive costs to consumers. According to an Environmental ProtectionAgency analysis, the act could creat e a market for carbon credits worth at least $4 billion annually in the U.
S. througn 2030. New sources of energty are expected to increase inthe U.S. by 65 percent by 2025, and 92 percent are expectefd to below carbon. Opponents of the bill have callesd it everything froma “cap and tax to a bureaucrat’s dream. Former U.S. Secretary of Statre Condoleezza Rice, speaking at the Silicon Valley Energy Summig at Stanford University inlate June, said cap and tradee is an easily abused system and that a carbon tax would be a better way to approach reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Whils Cinnamon agreed with Rice’s statement that carbobn cap and trade could be abusedor manipulated, “it’s up to our Legislaturse to set up a program to achieve the goald of reducing carbon-based emissions with the simplest way and leastf chance of abuse.” Although the bill faceds fierce opposition from coal producerss and states that rely heavily on coal, California’s Pacifix Gas and Electric has a cleaner portfolio than many utilitiex in other parts of the country. Brian PG&E’s Washington, D.C.
-based director of corporate said the framework presented in thebill won’t have any substantialp cost impact on PG& E customers in the near term becauswe the company is relatively well-prepared. “When you look at our portfolio in terms of our carbon intensity and what the impactg will be once we put a priceon carbon, it will be a much lowerr impact than you will see elsewhere,” Hertzo g said. Important elements for any potential energyh legislation include consumer protection and cost he said.
Peter Nieh, managing director at Lightspeed Venturre Partners in Menlo Park and leaderr ofthe firm’s cleantech investments, believea cap and trade has the potential to level the energy playing field because it takes away coal’sx competitive price advantage. “Hopefully everybody stande to win, but that’s what the debats is about,” Nieh said. “Ig you integrate this across society, it’ the matter of the cost and whobears it. Alternativew forms of energy standto win.